Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Maths for Kids

Maths for Kids Learning Maths: Tips and Advice Teaching Maths to Children ChaptersEvery Child is Capable of Learning MathsHelp Your Child Learn with Maths GamesAdvice for Teaching Maths to Children with Learning DifficultiesAre Boys Better at Learning Maths than Girls?Parents always want the best for their children, especially when it comes to their academic career.For this exact reason, many parents start teaching their children basic maths or a foreign language at home while they are still very young.But is this a good idea?Of course, teaching methods play a big role when sharing knowledge with young children.In order for them to be effective, the child must be engaged with the topic, whether it's counting, mental arithmetic, telling time, calculation of sums, or identifying polygons.Approaching learning with a positive mindset and even taking the subject out of an academic concept can be key to maths mastery. For example, playing online math games  and puzzles can help learners visualise maths problems in context without the pressure of an exercise form at.But what if your student has dyslexia or dyscalculia?And is there a battle of the sexes when it comes to maths-based subjects? MyriamMaths Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £200/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Dr parikhMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KamalMaths Teacher 5.00 (9) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PetarMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GowsikaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RubenMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ConorMaths Teacher 4.75 (4) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsEvery Child is Capable of Learning MathsLinguists recommend that when is comes to learning a language, the younger the better. This is because of the way young brains seek to acquire new languages, and by learning two languages, an infant could become bilingua l.But what about maths?  Surprisingly, if you ask a  mathematician, they will say the same thing.A study by Michele Mazzocco at the University of Minnesota showed that even children who are not yet old enough to start school are capable or learning some easy maths concepts, such as geometry and symmetry, for example. However, the study also found that the parents' own difficulties could slow the progress of the child.Just as with phobias such as going to the dentist, parents can pass on their fear of maths. This fear usually has its roots in sitting exams or being ridiculed for not being able to solve problems in school math such as probability and statistics, Pythagorean theorem, proportion, inequalities, algebraic expressions, complex numbers or vectors.Embrace children's' curiosity and take pleasure in sharing your knowledge with them ¦ source: Pixabay - AriethWhen the time comes for children to start primary school, interactive  maths games can be fantastic for helping them un derstand and apply what they are being taught.But are all children as capable as each other when it comes to learning math? There is no doubt that each and every child has a natural desire to learn more about the world around them. With a positive frame of mind and a good maths teacher, any child can see the fun side to maths.And to complement their formal education, why not find a private maths tutor?Private maths tuition at home or online tutoring can help make sure students are not falling behind their peers, as tutors look for strengths and weaknesses in pupils' knowledge to give them the tailored maths help they need with fractions, decimals, long division, addition and subtraction, place value and understanding maths vocabulary and notation.With a math tutor, you can also take your learning further by looking deeper into maths questions to build a firm base for future study of trigonometry, square roots, coordinates and graphing, calculus, algebra, reasoning, geometry, multipl ication and division, finding the exponent, polynomial, quadratic, integral and differential equations and problem-solving.Help Your Child Learn with Maths GamesParents tend to put their trust in school teachers when it comes to their child's education, however, there are things parents can do to help their children's maths along the way.First of all, no matter how much stress maths may have caused you in your school years, learn to talk openly about the subject at home. This gives maths a place in your child's life outside of school, allowing them to feel at ease to ask you questions about homework help or the math problems they are studying and give them an appreciation of math for everyday life.There are plenty of free online maths games and board games that can support your child's learning, so it's worth investing some time in these to help your children move away from the textbook and learn maths is fun.It's not unheard of for an educator to  use Lego to teach maths!Change you r point of view on maths by playing games ¦ source: Pixabay - TraumsicherheitLearning is most successful when you're having fun. That's why learning through play is ideal for young children and students of any age who enjoy pracitcing maths. There are many maths websites including Math Playground and Primary Games Arena which are full of fun maths games for kids see how their math skills fare.Maths is all around us, we just need to learn to appreciate it!Advice for Teaching Maths to Children with Learning DifficultiesWhat should you do if your child has a specific learning difficulty (SpLD) such as dyslexia or dyscalculia? Do you need to adapt your methods to teaching maths?As you are probably aware, dyslexia affects reading, writing and comprehension. When it comes to maths, this could mean difficulties solving maths word problems and what they are being asked to do. Dyscalculia is very similar, however, those affected have problems processing numbers rather than words.SpLDs also affect short-term and working memory as well as concentration and organisation. So what is the most effective way of teaching children with SpLDs?A multi-sensory approach to math learning can prove powerful as students receive information through several channels: sight, hearing, touch and movement. People who live with SpLDs are usually first and foremost visual learners, meaning that using pictures and models prove most effective in helping them understand and use maths.When teaching children with SpLDs, it is incredibly important to be patient with them. Repeat points as many times as it necessary for them to fully understand, changing the approach each time to keep the student engaged.Since SpLDs make organisation difficult, it can be invaluable for teachers and parents to put mechanisms in place to give structure to learning such as:A colour-coded system to differentiate between math conceptsSticking to a routineUsing a learning diary alongside exercise books (to keep all work in one place)There are plenty of other tricks you can use such as colours, progress charts, checklists and recaps of the math lessons before.Good organisation can mean the difference between grades when it comes to children with SpLDs. With a routine and clear goals, the learner feels more in-control and the stress which causes mental blocks is removed.Are Boys Better at Learning Maths than Girls?Let's finish by discussing a rather sensitive subject: is there a difference between boys and girls when it comes to mathematics?Even at this age, is there a battle of the sexes? ¦ source: Pixabay - BessiSome studies have revealed statistical tendencies:In France, of a class of 14-15 year olds, 82% of female students have a high level of French compared to just 68% of male pupilsIn maths, this figure is 87% for boys and 86.8% for girlsOf 7 million students across 10 US states at the ages of 7, 10 and 18 years old, there was no difference in the performance between gendersSo where does the myth that men are better at maths come from?Maybe it's down to the preferences of the students. Perhaps girls tend to prefer subjects such as literature, nursing, and psychology, whereas there are more boys in maths, science and economics classes.The explanation could equally be down to the pupil's upbringing and social practives. Very early on, boys may be encouraged to play construction games as girls are given dolls houses.So even though seats in maths lecture halls are predominantly filled by men, this does not mean that they are more capable than women, but that women are less likely to choose to study scientific and mathematical subjects.What will be the next major mathematical innovation? What new mathematical revelation will overturn our current conceptions of life as know it?Superprof remains on standby, and will be the first to let you know! Find a tutor for  maths revision GCSE.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Science Help Online Enjoy Science Learning with Ease

Science Help Online Enjoy Science Learning with Ease 0SHARESShare Science is a subject that cannot be neglected from the elementary level to the advanced level of education. Hence learning Science with perfect understanding is a necessary factor to accumulate scores and enter advanced levels of study. Still, the fact remains that you need proper tutoring to get into the essence of Science knowledge and pick up the subject concepts and ideas without flaw. Avail Science Help Online to perfect your understanding of the subject. Science Help Online: Take advantage of online resources       Use online  video presentations and audio lectures to learn the concepts well and clarify your doubts Use the live chat facilities with an online tutor to rectify the errors you commit during your homework hours and solve the problems in Chemistry or Physics without struggle Share the whiteboard with   Chemistry Online Tutors while doing Chemistry bonding and   formulas to meet the challenges you face in that  area of study Update your knowledge of the concepts and terminologies in Biology with the help of experts in Biology Online Tutoring. Seek live help while drawing the diagrams and prepping the projects Utilize the calculators and recorded sessions of your tutoring classes to solve any last minute tasks Tutor Pace identifies the difficulties in learning Science as faced by the students and redeems them with proper remedial measures to boost their scores.                                               Get Science Help Online Now! [starbox id=admin]

Best online Pre algebra tutor for better learning of algebra

Best online Pre algebra tutor for better learning of algebra Today with busy life schedule people do not have time to get indulged into anything. Though some things are very important in life but that does not mean that they will have time for that. For example think about the working parents of today’s time. Parents are pretty concerned about their child’s future but are unable to perform any activity because of the fact that they do not have much time for it. Just admitting your child into a big and reputed school won’t help you with all. Some other things are also essential for a child’s up liftment. Proper concern and keeping a track on what they are learning and knowing is also a valuable process that should be included for a student’s betterment. If you have a working parent at your homes then you have to take care of yourself. Private tuitions can help you to gain what you do not have known at your school classes. But it won’t help you to solve your problems and the reason behind it is less availability of time. Competition have increased in such a level that people do not have time to spend on one particular people. Youth have become much more work oriented and concerned as well. Private tutors also fall under this category. Private tutors even lack timing to indulge in any one particular student. So, how can a student help himself or herself? It is a big question as how can he or she help himself or herself and the answer is through a new way of learning and that is online tutoring. Online tutoring and its whereabouts Very few of you may have heard about online tutoring. Online tutoring is a new way of teaching as well as learning. It helps every student in every individual way. The teachers are very much efficient and the entire concept goes through internet. It is said to be time saver as well as effective even. Today every child knows how to operate internet. They are very much used to it and can help any kind of work to get concluded with the help of internet by their side. Online tutoring concept has slowly been into the hotlist of many students who do not find appropriate teacher for themselves. What can be more appealing than having your tuition classes at your home sitting at your favourite couch? I know a friend of mine who was very much disturbed and tensed about her child’s future. As she was a working woman so she did not had time to look after her kid with that efficiency. It used to keep her stressed out the whole day. But after she came in contact with one of the online tutoring institutes she felt relaxed and happy about her child child’s future. This is the case for many working parents. Online tutoring facility has diminished their problems to a large extent. Now they do not have to think about what to do and where to go for their child’s tuition classes. With time many institutes are coming up who have installed them in being such a service provider. This can be said to be a safe as well as effective thing to get drenched into it. Unlike other private tutors the online tutoring services do not charge huge amount and so it is convenient for many middle class family to afford it. The entire concept may be new but is fresh and students can learn lots from it. Let talk about some features of online tutoring Online tutoring which is also called e-learning comprises of various features that helps you to know about the entire concept. The concept may be new but with time it is gaining popularity. Some of them have been enlisted here and thus you can go through it. Availability of good teachers is the prime advantage or facility any online tutoring can provide. A good institute always helps in providing you with best teachers. The appointing process of the teachers is very tough and thus only the best teachers are appointed for teaching purpose. Every teacher is very well versed with its subject and knows how to handle the subject with perfection. A good teacher can always help a student to conduct better and this brings in a sense of confidence among the students. The other feature of online tutoring facility is there is no time limit and it entirely depends on the student as how they want to lead their classes. Anytime and every time the classes can be conducted by the teacher. Whenever you have confusions about any topic or subject, online teachers comes in for rescue. Better management of time is possible when you have enrolled your name in any online tutoring institute. As being a student you do not have to rush here and there and thus it saves your time, energy and transportation expenses. An intelligent student always makes it a point to utilize the time saved in his or her studies for their won betterment. Teachers present all round the clock also helps you in completing your various assignments, different projects that you have to conduct and sometimes it provides you with homework help as well. It is guaranteed that no other private tutor will help you in such a way. Searching online will help you get lots of such institutes who have invested them in such online tutoring facility. But it will be a dilemma for you as which one to choose. You can go with Tutor Pace if you do not have decided which one to avail. Tutor Pace is one of the reputed institutes that provide you all the listed services. The services are taken care and even student is also show pretty concern. Good teachers, good facilities, proper and adequate timing, enormous amount of various services for each single subject. Nothing can be better and efficient than this. Best online pre-algebra tutor is one of the most availed services in Tutor Pace.  

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The United States Elections - English Listening Exercise

The United States Elections - English Listening Exercise So, unless you live somewhere without electricity or internet service (in which case, how are you reading this?) youll have heard the the United States reelected President Barack Obama to a second term.As is the tradition in the United States, (and most countries that elect their politicians, I imagine) the president gave a victory speech. Weve decided to create a listening exercise out of it for you.Here is the video of his speech. Youll find questions below.After you listen, try to answer the questions below. If you write your answers in comments, we will correct them.What does Obama talk about perfecting at the beginning of the speech?We have ____ ourselves __, we have _____ our way ____ , and we know in our hearts that for the United States of America, the ____ is ___ to ____.Why does he say, By the way, we have to fix that at about 4:40?Whether you ______ the pavement or ____ __ the phone.What does first phrasal verb in question 5 mean?I have always believed that hope is ___ ___ __ ____ ____ ___ ___ _____, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us.What do you think of the elections? What do you think they mean for your country? Melanie 1. What does Obama talk about perfecting at the beginning of the speech?It moves forward to perfect the task of unifying this country. His words refer to the big American family that stands more and more together.2. We have picked ourselves up, we have fought our way back, and we know in our hearts that for the United States of America, the best is yet to come.3. Why does he say, “By the way, we have to fix that” at about 4:40? That was a joke about the long lines in front of the polling places. A lot of people had to wait for half an hour or more than an hour until it was their turn to vote.4. Whether you pounded at the pavement or picked up the phone.5. What does first phrasal verb in question 5 mean? Maybe to stay a very long time outside at the pavement?!6. I have always believed tha t hope is that stubborn thing inside us that insits, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us.7. What do you think of the elections? What do you think they mean for your country?Im very happy that Obama has won the elections. I like his and the ideas of his party more than the republicans. He seems to be more openminded and liberal. And I have the hope that he will finish the military activities in Afganistan. That would be great for Germany as well. LOIEnglish MelanieThank you for your great answers. 4. pounded the pavementwe dont use at in this expression. The meaning is to walk/work on the streets. Police often pound the pavement in their district. Meaning they are out of their cars walking and talking to people. EnriquePMartin 1. He talks about perfecting the union of the country.2. picked up; found back; best; yet; come3. the long queues which are formed for voting4. put on (?); pick up5. pick up the phone means take it to answer the call6. (?)7. It is a critical moment for the future of the country, nevertheless I think too much unnecessary money is spent; In my country, where some decades ago people where living under a dictatorial regime, the elections represent the celebration of the democracy. LOIEnglish Enrique thank you.Question 4 is: pounded the pavement or picked up the phone. To pound the pavement means to be walking and working in the streets. Some sales people pound the pavement in order to sell their product. This means they walk up and down the streets talking to people at their houses trying to persuade them to buy their product.6. I have always believed that hope is that stubborn thing inside us that insits, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us.Thank you for answering.

Listening Exercise The Fish That Make Islands.

Listening Exercise The Fish That Make Islands. As you may have noticed, I love David Attenborough documentaries. You can practice your English listening skills with his science based videos. He is so wise, that he must know every animal that lives on Earth!  Today, we are going to look at a  fish that needs a dentist and makes islands, the Humphead Parrotfish.  So what are you waiting for?  Go ahead and listen to some interesting facts, and then we can practice your listening skills to see if you can one day become so good at English that you sound like Mr. Attenborough himself!Your  first step to  speaking  like David Attenborough is a little difficult.  Lets look at the word so.  To express that the quality the noun has effects something or someone we can use the word so.  Lets look at these examples:noun+ to be (conjugated) + so + adjective + that + resultThe race was so long that I couldnt finish.She ate so much food that she became ill.Now, try to complete the sentence that Mr. Attenborough said in the video:Their jaws are so ________, they can bite through _________.Can you think of a sentence which follows the same structure?  Write your answer in the comment section.What can Parrotfish produce tonnes (or tons)  of every year?The rock  and coral  they swallow, emerges later as a fine _______.Tonnes  can also be used to replace the quantifier a lot of in informal English.  Lets have a look at some sentences:I have  tonnes  of homework to do.  Im not sure I will finish it all before class tomorrow.There are  tonnes  of people at the football match.Do you have tonnes of homework?  Can you think of something else that you have  tonnes of?I have  tonnes of  __________.What happens  over time  in the video?Over time  the sand ______ ___ to form an _______, which is then colonized by animals and plants.Over time  is an adverb that  means gradually.  Can you think of something else that  builds up  over time? Write your answers in the comment section, and well respond.  If you want to build up you r English to David Attenborough levels, book a class with us today!

Top 5 ESL Classroom Aids To Get You Out of Teaching Jams

Top 5 ESL Classroom Aids To Get You Out of Teaching Jams By Adrian PalinicInternational ESL teachers have to be adaptable.   It simply comes with the territory of traveling to far off lands.   No matter where you teach, you’ll have to adapt whatever resources are available to suit your teaching style.   But what if resources are lacking?   What if the school where you’re teaching  hasn’t  given you clear direction on what to teach?   Here’s a list of classroom aids, adaptable to all levels, that any ESL teacher can pack and use in their next teaching jam:1 â€" Flashcards  - These can be adapted to suit any level and target language.  I found it useful to carry around a set of verb flashcards for words like  run, write, open, close, jump, etc., with funny images on each to represent the action.  These came in useful when teaching younger learners.  With a few rounds of repetition and a couple of  Simon Says  games, I quickly had classes of kids understanding basic classroom commands like  â€œOpen your book.”   The cards can als o be adapted to work with older students.  Make a game of it and have students make sentences with the verbs, or ask for a list of synonyms from more advanced students.2 â€" Music  â€" It may be easiest to make a playlist of music from YouTube or a similar online resource.  Pull up the playlist in class, play a song and imagine all the possible teaching activities!  Use simpler, slower songs to get your younger students to listen for a keyword or two.  See who can hear the word first!  Have more advanced students pick out words from songs sung in different English accents.  See if students can guess the next lyric.  Students love to listen to new music, especially if it’s upbeat and easy to understand.3 â€" Movies -  I’m not saying you should sit the class down and watch  The Shawshank Redemption,  but showing short movie clips focusing on key grammar points can be valuable classroom aids for any ESL class.  Again, if you don’t have movies immediately available to you, YouTube may be your best friend.  Do a little research and make playlists you can pull up in class.  Different playlists can focus on different grammar points, accents, idioms, or songs, or they might simply add a visual to a children’s counting activity.4 â€" Books and Newspapers -  Younger students will be intrigued by English storybooks for children â€" especially if they have big, bright illustrations.  In many cases, illustration styles might differ from what students would usually see in their own storybooks.  For older students, even a newspaper from your hometown can be put to great use.  Lower level students can work with the newspaper’s pictures and captions, while more advanced students can search for different uses of a verb or idiom, develop a story of their own, or simply discuss a newsworthy issue.5 â€" Pictures -  As you’ll likely be relatively unfamiliar with the culture within the country where you’ll be teaching, it’s just as likely students will b e unfamiliar with your background.  Bring some pictures that remind you of home.  Sharing these in class will show students a little bit more about you and where you’re from.  Pictures can be used at any time, and can be applied to almost any language level and grammar point.  Younger students can count items in the pictures, while older students can develop a story based on the photos.Bonus â€" A Video Camera -  Okay, here’s one more essential ESL classroom aid that will save you when in a teaching jam.  Turn any grammar point into a dramatic event.  Video cameras inspire an immediate sense of excitement (and sometimes fear). Nowadays, with high quality cell-phone video cameras, any teacher can transform a simple dialogue activity into a dramatic scene.  Set some ground rules and ensure students only use English for their scene.  Near the end of class, gather the students to review everyone’s videos.Before going abroad to teach, prepare the items in this list to ensur e you can handle any stressful teaching situation.  Because who needs additional stress while teaching in a new country?  Now you’ll have more time to relax and enjoy your new surroundings.

Watch for These 7 Signs of Depression

Watch for These 7 Signs of Depression pexels.com 1. Changes in sleep If you’re sleeping more or you’re sleeping less often, this is a sign of depression. Monitor these changes and, if they persist, tell someone about them. According to Dr. Holly A. Swartz, professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, “sleep makes people function well, so the real problem is that for a depressed person, sleep isn’t restorative, and they aren’t refreshed or rejuvenated.” According to Dr. Joseph Calabrese, professor of psychiatry, individuals might also experience “psychomotor agitation,” which is essentially restlessness. 2. Your mind seems muddled If you’re having a hard time sticking to one thing, if your mind feels jumbled and you constantly have too many thoughts going through your mind and tend to be a little more forgetful than usual, this is another sign to watch out for. According to Dr. John Zajecka, professor of psychiatry at Rush University Medical Center, “One of the things people really need to be mindful of is how well they are functioning cognitively. Sometimes people can’t sit down for 30 minutes and watch TV or read or do anything that requires some focus.” Also be on the lookout for slow thinking, forgetfulness, decision-making problems and other signs of inattentiveness. 3. You’re worrying/thinking too much In case you didn’t know, there is actually a word for over-thinking: “rumination.” Rumination is bad for depression, as it can make it last longer or even increase an individual’s chance of becoming depressed. According to Zajecka, “With rumination, people basically get caught in a loop of replaying negative situations or looking at neutral situations in a negative way or over-analyzing things.” He continued in saying “A little self-reflection is good, but with rumination, someone can become very self-absorbed and they talk about the same things over and over again, which becomes tough on the people around them.” So this is essentially turning individuals’ friends and family against them, which will, in turn, make them more depressed, making it very dangerous. 4. Weight changes If you’re losing or gaining a lot of weight, this is a sign as well. Depression can cause individuals to either eat more or to eat less, which results in drastic weight changes. According to Calabrese, “Most people enjoy a good meal, and those who are depressed lose energy and interest, even in eating.” 5. You’re not engaged or expressive If you or someone you know is changing socially, meaning they were previously engaged and now aren’t any longer, they’re likely depressed. This is one of the big ones, as it’s very common with depressed individuals. And if they aren’t necessarily pulling back completely, pay attention to their attitude when they’re with others if they appear uninterested or have a flat look all the time, this is a sign as well and should be monitored. 6. You hurt a lot Depression, though a mental condition, can influence your body and create pain in the form of back aches, headaches, digestive issues, etc. According to Zajecka, “The pain is very real and some people may only see their doctors for vague physical pains and never get a diagnosis of depression when that’s the real problem.” The science behind this is interesting pain and depression actually share similar brain chemicals which travel nerve pathways so if you’re depressed, this can change your brain’s sensitivity to pain at those nerve endings. 7. It can be treated Just because you or a friend is displaying symptoms of depression does not mean it’s the end of the world; depression is very treatable. The problem is that it first needs to be diagnosed. According to Zajecka, “Depression is very common and there is good help. A person doesn’t need to suffer. They really aren’t alone.” So keep these symptoms in mind and be more aware of your surroundings. It’s time to change the statistics surrounding depression, and that change starts with you.